Mid-Week Links

I was cleaning up some old posts and checking the drafts folder and have no idea why I never published this one, but wanted to share now. Because jars in a row and bees and hapiness with what we have right now make me happy:)

From mid-April:

Strep is kicking our rears. We thought we were finally good and responsibly made it through 10 days of twice-a-day meds, only to have Mia wake up with a fever and sore throat on Thursday and me with one by Thursday afternoon. But we at least have a long weekend to kick the germs to the curb and not spread them to anyone, so hopefully they'll be gone for good.

Why Are We Soothed By Jars All in a Row? at The Kitchn - I don't know, but it definitely motivated me to get mine in order this week!

The Other Bees at Modern Farmer
"But Maden says that this is one threatened species story that can easily have a happy ending: Just plant wildflowers."
Why I'm Not a Full-Time Blogger at An Inviting Home - Yes, yes, a million times yes to almost everything she says!
"Why can't they just stay away from these doors I'm painting like I told them to?" You know, those MAIN doors in the CENTER of our house that lead to EVERYTHING." I just don't understand why they can't just leave them alone?!? I have a deadline and I need to get this project done ..."
Stop Waiting for the Next House at The Nesting Place
"I wasted too many years waiting for the next house. The next house held all of the possibility. The current house was just temporary. I felt like I could never truly settle whether it was a house we owned that was far from perfect or a rental that felt too temporary. It took 13 different houses to teach me what home really was."
Top 25 Read Alouds(Ages 5-12) at Simple Homeschool- I'm such a sucker for lists of books and this is a great one!
"Why did these books make the list when dozens of others didn’t quite qualify? These are the books the kids remember with almost a tender fondness and sometimes almost awe. These were books we lived in, the ones that do, indeed, seem like part of our family."
Simple Ways to Garden Without Spending Money at Old World Garden Farms
"Whether it is buying or renting a rototiller to prepare the soil, or purchasing expensive wood or stone to build raised growing beds – if you let it – setting up your garden can be expensive and time-consuming. The good news – you don’t have to do any of that to have a great looking and producing garden."
Happy Kids Are Overrated:
"But teaching gratitude is a complicated, slow and repetitive process that often involves not giving your kids what they want and sometimes involves allowing them to be unhappy (ironic, right?). My generation of parents isn't known for tolerating anything slow, complicated and repetitive. "

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